Kamis, 25 April 2013

My Super Hero 1st ride with Peg Perego Power Wheel

David Caleb going Growth so fast and getting bigger..... He so Hype and never afraid with people or what ever...Thank God For His Healthty and everything in my small family. Cause of he so hype and all toys he have looks so bored for him. So I search and find power wheel for him. I got Power Wheel Peg Perego Nevada ( OLD and vintage maybe ...he..he.. ) yes it's 2nd, I'm afraid his getting bore and not to play it again. I've got Peg Perego Nevada in good complete & good condition. Just minor scratch at body & sticker, need to repaint and replacing new cutting sticker :) Here is the Perfect Vintage Peg Perego ( taking from Goggle )

Here is 2nd condition i got...:)
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My Super Hero 1st time ride : )

Tired being running & chasing this power wheel....I've Got to modified power wheel into remote system power wheel.

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